
yesmovies The Shining Watch Full Length

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Audience score - 843480 votes
Writed by - Stephen King, Diane Johnson
Haunted by a persistent writer's block, the aspiring author and recovering alcoholic, Jack Torrance, drags his wife, Wendy, and his gifted son, Danny, up snow-capped Colorado's secluded Overlook Hotel after taking up a job as an off-season caretaker. As the cavernous hotel shuts down for the season, the manager gives Jack a grand tour, and the facility's chef, the ageing Mr Hallorann, has a fascinating chat with Danny about a rare psychic gift called "The Shining", making sure to warn him about the hotel's abandoned rooms, and, in particular, the off-limits Room 237. However, instead of overcoming the dismal creative rut, little by little, Jack starts losing his mind, trapped in an unforgiving environment of seemingly endless snowstorms, and a gargantuan silent prison riddled with strange occurrences and eerie visions. Now, the incessant voices inside Jack's head demand sacrifice. Is Jack capable of murder?

star - Scatman Crothers
Director - Stanley Kubrick

Mortal Konbat Vs D.C Universe. The shining > doctor sleep. The girl should have slashed jacks face when he said heres jonny. Anyone got a youtube account i can use. Saw is a game. 0:40 COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THIS TOO many horror movies nowadays use jump scares and it's boring. That's why I love The Shining because it doesn't use any, but uses it's own natural way of scaring people.

I watch The Shining, every year during a snowstorm

Its almost as if Lloyd is testing him to see if he can be trusted as the caretaker. Not one single blink in Lloyds eyes. Opera prima de Kubrick, para mí la mejor, sólo escuchar éste intro, un escalofrío invade tú cuerpo. Magistral! 🔝.


@ 2:50 looks like you got a spot on yourself *pats on back… XD. This is a great film, but the opening credits are a bit lazy. The music is AWESOME. No one can replace jack, lol. his facial expressions say a lot, especially in this and as good as it gets. Alternate tittle: Here's Trevor. Jig the Saw. In the book the bear was called Dogman and one of my friends thought it was Stephen King's fursona lol. Came back after the trailer of Doctor Sleep. Anybody else excited for the movie? REDRUM. Why so serious. The Shining Recommend Whither The Shining. The Shining Solar Movies The Shining Online live online: Will Meera save HDan Stark from the swarming White Walkers. Great party, isn't it.

Her: tries to hide Also her: aaaahhhhhh. Not all the guests are moving. Many are frozen in place, like a photograph. I'm whaching saw 5 right now. I like the title of the movie. Every single second of this entire movie was scary. The Shining no registration Watch Online Streamin. The Shining Why.

I know this is a fictional story but if it's real, just like in the movies, you cannot kill Freddy Kruger. It is just impossible. All you can do is hurt him that's it. Nothing will ever top the original but Doctor Sleep was a good sequel.

You've always been the caretaker Mr Torrance

A lot of people make fun of Jack's performance in this film, but in this scene he is truly frightening and it's one the most believable portraits of insanity I've ever seen. This is a really good movie :D.


  1. Columnist: Ryan Nanni
  2. Info Hook is a family movie where an adult stabs a child in the heart. Compact Outlaw.


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